jumbo peony cow🌸

Sold out $155.00

peony cow loves to frolic in the grass with her other flower cow friends! she loves the smell of rain in the morning🐄💕

🌸flower cow lore🌸

when flower cows are born they are born as regular baby cows with no flowers on their body!(flowers take 2 days to show up on a calf) their fur coat will turn the color of the flower they choose to eat as a calf and they will be like that the rest of their life! the flower they chose will grow 2-6 flowers on their body.everyone who comes to visit the flower cow species at the farm says they smell amazing! some calf’s will stay the color they are born as,even though they ate the flower they chose.🌺🐄

❗️international shipping❗️
please dm me on insta @bunnysplushies
the shipping cost depends on the state you are in!! dm me and we will figure it out! i cannot pay for shipping but i offer a surprise mini with your order because shipping is a hassle when it comes to international!

peony cow is made from luxe cuddle minky!
she is 15”tall!
her flowers are hand cut and dyed with acrylic paint, then they were sealed with a sealer✨
her earrings are handmade as well,please do not pull on them or they may break.

PS I do not use a sewing machine. my plushies are handmade so do not rough house with them! they are a work of art just like paintings!